You'll go quackers over our duck cake.
A sponge cake sculpted into a beautiful white duck for an 80th birthday.

Hidden Hogwarts wedding cake
We made this half and half Hogwarts castle wedding cake for a wedding of one of our regular customers. From one side it looks like a...

Steampunk wedding cake
This is our Steampunk wedding cake. Everything on the cake is edible other than the topper that we hand sculpted from clay so the couple...

Vivienne Westwood inspired sugar skull
A sugar skull cake created with a bit of a Vivienne Westwood theme. We hand painted pink rose repeat pattern in food colouring across the...

Making a cake with Beatles and Stones
a cake for a music lover combining the Beatles and Rolling Stones together in one cake. I hand painted portratits of each member of the band

Home sweet home
Here is the finished cake for the edible replica of a house we created. We redesigned and drew up a flat plan of the house in the...

Have cake will travel
A travel inspired wedding cake made up of a suitcase on the bottom which uses a our custom made initials of the couple as decoration with...

Alice in a cake wonderland
Here are some new photos of one of our favorite and most popular show cakes we have created. A Alice in Wonderland themed wedding cake....

Travel Wedding Cake
A travel themed wedding cake with suitcase tier including travel stickers of destinations the couple had visited. On top of this a tier...

A Snowman Cake for the Snow Masquerade Ball
A special snowman cake made for local charity FACT (Fighting All Cancer Together). It was auctioned off at a special Snow Masquerade ball....