Mario Kart cake
Well its been a while since I managed to get any photos on here but will hopefully be catching up with them over the festive period. To...

Hand Painted Lego Wedding Cake
We created a 3 tier wedding cake hand painted in food colouring that on one side peeled back to reveal a lego structure underneath. We...

A Snowman Cake for the Snow Masquerade Ball
A special snowman cake made for local charity FACT (Fighting All Cancer Together). It was auctioned off at a special Snow Masquerade ball....

Game of Thrones Cake
Finally managed to get round to putting photos up of our Game of Thrones cake we made recently. It is all edible other than some supports...

Sage Wedding fair
Here is our stand from a few weeks ago at the Sage in Newcastle showing several of our new wedding cake ideas and a few examples of some...