Feeling sheepish!
Feeling a little sheepish!! With it being Easter here is a sheep cake we made for a 50th birthday. Sorry its the closest I had to a lamb...

Lindisfarne Gospels Cake
This is our cake replica of the The Lindisfarne Gospels for Sue’s special 70th birthday cake. Everything on the cake is edible including...

A special little girls birthday cake
Pogo from Oddbods cake we made for our daughters second birthday. He is standing on a lemon and passionfruit cake hill and is made from...

A Snowman Cake for the Snow Masquerade Ball
A special snowman cake made for local charity FACT (Fighting All Cancer Together). It was auctioned off at a special Snow Masquerade ball....

Game of Thrones Cake
Finally managed to get round to putting photos up of our Game of Thrones cake we made recently. It is all edible other than some supports...